Acrylic Paintings

A Dream



A Dream
There is a dream I dream, To reach that hot star.. So tempting so bright, Losing myself to it seems just right.. And yet here I am.. Endeavoring it’s beauty from far away..Dreaming to reach it every day


A quick work of mine..even I was amazed when I finished it in one go non-stop! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
Inspiration & the poem for the painting were provided by my friends..
I was on a lookout for an idea to paint when a friend of mine shared with me his click that portrayed the same concept in neutral totally had me hooked. On the other hand..when I shared my painting’s pic with my best friend..she instantly wrote couple of beautiful lines for it.
I am thankful to both of them! πŸ˜€

Let your surrounding’s inspire you to create something new me life would get super exciting after that! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚